Bio-sand water filters
Bio-sand water filters are a cheap and easy to use technology to produce clean and safe drinking water. The filters remove up to 98–99% of pathogens and parasites from the water sourced from a spring well, the tap, or rain water. A twelve-month monitoring of communities where these filters were in use indicated a reduced incidence of water-borne diseases, particularly diarrhoea and typhoid. The follow-up also gave opportunity to ensure that the Bio-sand filters were being used and maintained properly.
PLEASE HELP! Through ‘Gifts With a Difference’ at you could give the gift of clean water by purchasing a bio-sand water filter for a family in need.
My involvement with A Rocha Uganda has enabled me to receive training in water purification, sanitation and hygiene education. Because I now own a Bio-sand water filter, I now save UGX 1,200 per month which previously I spent to purify our drinking water. The sanitation training equipped me with skills to make a sugar-salt solution to treat diarrhoea. I have also been taught how to make liquid soap in order to generate some income and to keep my family clean.
Now my home is clean and my family is free from the risk of disease and there is possibility of income from a small business.